Competitors may enter a maximum of four events in their age group and must complete an entry form issued by the Centre by the date specified, NO LATE ENTRIES will be accepted. The Event Program is broken up into ‘Blocks’. There are Blocks for Track and Field. Chief Marshalls, Marshalls and Event Officials are to manage the competitors. The Preston Reservoir 100m Gift is also held during our Centre Championships.
Parents and Guardians are primarily responsible for ensuring their children are made aware of their Blocks and their Events. The Call Room Chief Marshall will not go looking for any athletes that do not arrive at the call room on time.
Athletes will be called for the event at least fifteen minutes before each event. If a competitor is missing from the marshalling area, the event will continue, and the competitor will not compete. Depending on the number of entries for each event, competitors may run with another age group to fill the fields. This is left to the discretion of the Championship Organisers and Arena Manager.
EVENT CLASHES: All care has been taken to avoid a clash of events in the program. In the event of a clash, the Chief Marshall will use a ‘Release Form’ allowing the athlete to leave a Field event to participate in the Track event. Track events take precedence.
Please note: Athletes who have not attendend a minimum of 50% of competition days since registering will not be eligible to compete in Championship Day.
2022/23 PRLAC CENTRE CHAMPIONSHIPS: Sat 25th March 2022